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Graduate Student and Early Career Research Grants to Advance the Science of Gratitude, 2024-2025

The Love Consortium (TLC) is pleased to announce two funding opportunities to advance the science of gratitude using data described in TLC’s Global Gratitude Dataverse (GGDv):


  • Up to ten graduate student research awards of $10,000 USD each, to test a proposed hypothesis about gratitude using data described in the GGDv . These students will be selected from all regions of the world (ideally, 1-2 from each populated continent) to encourage global representation and collaboration.

  • One early career research grant (up to $30,000 USD) to provide research support (e.g., a course release or summer research salary, conference or workshop fees) for a scholar (e.g., Assistant Professor) within six years of having received their doctorate degree.


The funding period for both opportunities will extend from May 1, 2024 through April 30, 2025.


Award decisions will be announced no later than February 16, 2024.


We invite applicants to submit proposals about gratitude that align with their own interests and work. However, to underscore the breadth of opportunity, examples of the types of open questions about gratitude that could be addressed through this funding mechanism include (but are not limited to):
  • What are the cultural and social predictors of gratitude in its variety of experiences and expressions?
  • How is gratitude considered distinct from related emotions (e.g., love, indebtedness) and do these perceived distinctions remain consistent across cultures?
  • How do conventional categorizations of group size (small scale, pastoralist, etc.) relate to experiences and expressions of gratitude? 
  • How does trait / dispositional gratitude develop?
  • How and under what circumstances does gratitude promote wellbeing and health?
  • Under what circumstances is gratitude verbalized and how?
  • What is the role of religion in experiences and expressions of gratitude?
  • What can negative reactions toward “too much” generosity (e.g., awkwardness, guilt, indebtedness) tell us about the positive emotion of gratitude?
  • When and how do donors perceive that their generosity is taken for granted (e.g., guests outstaying their welcome)?
Note: all submission information provided here can also be downloaded as a PDF file.



For the applicant:

  • Applicants must plan to be enrolled in a full-time doctoral program for the complete tenure of the grant: between May 2024 and April 2025.
  • The proposal must include use of data from at least one dataset described on the Global Gratitude Dataverse owned by someone who is not the applicant's graduate school advisor.
  • The applicant's graduate school advisor must permit the student's work on the project. Note: The graduate student advisor does not need to be a part of the proposed project but can be. Regardless, the student's use of time must be acceptable to the advisor.

For researchers with datasets described on the Global Gratitude Dataverse:

  • You are eligible to be a collaborator on multiple submissions and multiple student grants: you can say "yes" to any grant proposal in which you would like to take part, and you are free to decline to participate in any proposal in which you do not wish to take part.
  • It is our hope and expectation with these grants that you will receive requests from scholars outside of your typical collaborators and area of research. As such, we encourage you to look closely at these proposals. One of our goals is to increase the diversity of scholars working in this area, and another is to increase the diversity of ideas in this area. There are many bright, talented, and hard-working young researchers who may not have had access to data like you have posted. Working with scholars outside your usual professional network provides an opportunity to improve access to difficult-to-collect data for the good of the field and the advancement of the scientific study of gratitude, all while expanding your own professional network. 
  • To post a searchable description of an existing dataset on which you are open to collaboration, go to the Global Gratitude Dataverse.

How to Apply

All applications should be submitted online by December 15, 2023 at 11:59PM IDLW (the last time zone on Earth). The online submission form can be accessed by clicking this link.

The application consists of nine components, detailed below. The first five components require that you download and complete the provided templates, which can then be uploaded via the submission form alongside the remaining application pieces. Please be sure to use the provided templates, rather than creating your own documents, as they help to ensure a consistent and streamlined review process.

We recommend having all materials completed prior to beginning the submission form.

Template 1: Download and complete the template provided on our website for your Research Proposal, Demonstration of Readiness/Feasibility, Contribution to Diversity, and Budget Justification. 

Template 2: Download and complete the second template provided on our website for your Budget.
  1. Research Proposal: Describe your proposed research project in 1500 words or less. References as well as up to one Table or Figure may be included beyond the 1500-word limit. 

    Your proposal should address:
    a.  The gap in understanding and theoretical justification for the investigation
    b.  The hypothesis/hypotheses or research question(s)
    c.  Proposed methods and analysis plan
    d.  Statement of contribution to research on gratitude
    e.  Statement of anticipated consequences of these activities (e.g., manuscript submission, conference presentation, future collaborations, consequences for this area of research, for the public, etc.)

    Note: To reduce biases in the review process, this portion of your application will be reviewed via masked review. As such, we ask that you please DO NOT include any identifying information within the body of your research proposal.

  2. Demonstration of Readiness/Feasibility: In 300 words or less, describe your readiness to conduct this particular research project in a timely manner. This statement might include details about your prior experience conducting similar research in the past, any supporting statistical or methodological skills you possess, or other relevant knowledge. Please also include a timeline of activities for this project with clear milestone dates to show that this project can be completed within a reasonable timeframe.
  3. Contribution to Diversity: The Love Consortium is committed to promoting diversity in the science of gratitude. For example, this includes promoting trainees and scholarship from people with historically under-represented backgrounds, studying gratitude in people from a wide range of backgrounds, studying gratitude across a range of relationship types, and even in the theories and methods brought to bear on a given research question. 

    In 200 words or less, please describe how your proposed project will help advance diversity in the science of gratitude.

  4. Budget: Grants will be awarded for up to $10,000 USD in direct costs. Among other uses, funds may be used for a summer stipend for the applicant if they do not have another source of funding; for supplies and services to conduct biological assays on stored specimens; for software to conduct behavioral coding on existing video records; for registration fees or costs associated with statistical methods workshops or academic conferences; and to cover costs for the trainee to travel to live/work on site for research activities or to travel to workshops or academic conferences. Given the existing data on GGDv, use of funds for participant payment will rarely be justified, but exceptions may be made, such as a planned conceptual replication of a key idea that can't be replicated in another existing dataset. Funds may not be used to pay faculty salaries.

    You may also request a maximum of 5% for your university's indirect/F&A costs, beyond the direct costs mentioned above. We encourage universities to waive indirect costs if possible.

    Please use the budget template spreadsheet to list the items and associated costs for which you would like to use the requested funds.

  5. Budget justification: Describe how each of the requested budget items will support the proposed research project.
  6. Curriculum Vitae: Please submit your curriculum vitae, saved as a PDF file with your full name and “CV” in the file name (e.g., Alex Garcia CV).
  7. You will need to request three types of brief letters/statements that must be submitted with your proposal:
Advisor's consent. You will submit your graduate school advisor's name, institutional affiliation, and email address with your application. When you submit your application, we will send your graduate school advisor an email with an online link to a brief confidential survey where they will be asked to respond to four items:
  • Are they aware of the contents of your proposal?  Yes / No
  • How do they think your specific skills and capacity will facilitate your success on this specific project? (Limited to 300 words or fewer)
  • Do they consent to this proposed use of your time and what is their level of enthusiasm for your work on this proposal vis a vis your training and career goals? (Limited to 300 words or fewer.)
  • Do they have any reservations about your involvement in or ability to complete the proposed project? (Limited to 300 words or fewer)

Your advisor's responses to this survey will be due within two weeks from their receipt of the email and no later than December 29, 2023 at 11:59PM IDLW.

Note: You should discuss this aspect of the requirement with your advisor when you decide you would like to submit a proposal.

Letter(s) of collaboration. For any dataset from the Global Gratitude Dataverse to be included in the proposed project, please submit a brief letter acknowledging the collaboration from the data owner(s) with the following information (one paragraph will typically suffice; 1 page maximum): 
  • Willingness to collaborate on the proposed project.
  • Name of the dataset described on the Global Gratitude Dataverse (include doi).
  • The status of ethics approval to share the data with you.
  • Whether the data owner has reviewed the project proposal and believes it to be feasible, given the dataset.
  • Whether authorship has been discussed. (The proposed project may be at a stage where it is premature to discuss authorship, which is an acceptable answer.)

Note: You should request this letter once the person agrees to be a collaborator, and you will be responsible for uploading their letter when you submit your application. One letter should be submitted for any dataset included in the proposal that is not owned by your graduate school advisor. If you have multiple letters of collaboration from owners of datasets to be used in the proposed work, these letters should be merged into one pdf document for upload within the online submission survey.

Project mentor statement. You must identify one primary project mentor for this project. The person must have a Ph.D. and be affiliated with an academic institution. Typically, it will be a collaborator identified in 7b or your graduate school advisor (identified in 7a), but the person may also be someone who has the expertise you need to execute the project. The key is that they are willing to meet with you regularly about the project and are willing to take ethical responsibility for the conduct of the research.  (Due to the latter requirement, the mentor must have a tenure-track or tenured position; Postdocs are eligible to be project mentors but must have a co-mentor who has a tenure-track or tenured position.) ​

You will submit your project mentor's name, institutional affiliation, and email address with your application. When you submit your application, we will send your project mentor an email asking them to simply respond to that email with confirmation that (a) they agreed to be your project mentor on the project, (b) they are willing to meet with you about it regularly, and (c) they are willing to take ethical responsibility for the conduct of the research.

Note: You should discuss this aspect of the requirement with your proposed project mentor when you decide you would like to submit a proposal.
Submission Checklist
___ Research proposal*
___ Demonstration of readiness/feasibility*
___ Contribution to diversity*
___ Budget**
___ Budget justification*
___ Your CV
___ Graduate school advisor's contact information for brief consent survey
___ Letter(s) of collaboration from dataset owner(s)
___ Project mentor's contact information for brief confirmation of willingness to be your project mentor
*Your research proposal, demonstration of readiness/feasibility, contribution to diversity, and budget justification should be uploaded together as one PDF using the provided template. 
**Your budget should be uploaded separately in CSV format using the provided template. 


Within our focus on advancing understanding of gratitude, priority will be given to scientific rigor as well as theoretical and/or methodological innovation. Additional consideration will be given to the feasibility of the proposed research for contributing to a high-quality publication and to advancing diversity in the field.
We welcome all applications and want to encourage individuals whose primary area of research is not gratitude, affective science, wellbeing, or interpersonal relationships to submit proposals. We also especially want to encourage applications from students whose backgrounds enhance the diversity of representation in the field across race, ethnicity, country of residence, gender, age, socio-economic status, religion, sexual orientation, identity, and experience.



For the applicant

  • Applicants must have a doctorate degree in Psychology or other related field (e.g., Neuroscience, Human Development). They must have earned their degree within the past 6 years, excluding any medical or parental leave.
  • The proposal must include use of data from at least one dataset described on the Global Gratitude Dataverse.

For researchers with datasets described on the Global Gratitude Dataverse

  • You are eligible to be a collaborator on multiple submissions: you can say "yes" to any grant proposal in which you would like to take part, and you are free to decline to participate in any proposal in which you do not wish to take part.
  • It is our hope and expectation with these grants that you will receive requests from scholars outside of your typical collaborators and area of research. As such, we encourage you to look closely at these proposals. One of our goals is to increase the diversity of scholars working in this area, and another is to increase the diversity of ideas in this area. There are many bright, talented, and hard-working young researchers who may not have had access to data like you have posted. Working with scholars outside your usual professional network provides an opportunity to improve access to difficult-to-collect data for the good of the field and the advancement of the scientific study of gratitude, all while expanding your own professional network. 
  • To post a searchable description of an existing dataset on which you are open to collaboration, go to the Global Gratitude Dataverse.

How to Apply

All applications should be submitted online by December 15, 2023 at 11:59PM IDLW (the last time zone on Earth). The online submission form can be accessed by clicking this link.

The application consists of seven components, detailed below. The first five components require that you download and complete the provided templates, which can then be uploaded via the submission form alongside the remaining application pieces. Please be sure to use the provided templates, rather than creating your own documents, as they help to ensure a consistent and streamlined review process.

We recommend having all materials completed prior to beginning the submission form.

Template 1: Download and complete the template provided on our website for your Research Proposal, Demonstration of Readiness/Feasibility, Contribution to Diversity, and Budget Justification. 

Template 2: Download and complete the second template provided on our website for your Budget.
  1. Research Proposal: Describe your proposed research project in 1500 words or less. References as well as up to one Table or Figure may be included beyond the 1500-word limit. 

    Your proposal should address:
    a.  The gap in understanding and theoretical justification for the investigation
    b.  The hypothesis/hypotheses or research question(s)
    c.  Proposed methods and analysis plan
    d.  Statement of contribution to research on gratitude
    e.  Statement of anticipated consequences of these activities (e.g., manuscript submission, conference presentation, future collaborations, consequences for this area of research, for the public, etc.)

    Note: To reduce biases in the review process, this portion of your application will be reviewed via masked review. As such, we ask that you please DO NOT include any identifying information within the body of your research proposal.

  2. Demonstration of Readiness/Feasibility: In 300 words or less, describe your readiness to conduct this particular research project in a timely manner. This statement might include details about your prior experience conducting similar research in the past, any supporting statistical or methodological skills you possess, or other relevant knowledge. Please also include a timeline of activities for this project with clear milestone dates to show that this project can be completed within a reasonable timeframe.
  3. Contribution to Diversity: The Love Consortium is committed to promoting diversity in the science of gratitude. For example, this includes promoting trainees and scholarship from people with historically under-represented backgrounds, studying gratitude in people from a wide range of backgrounds, studying gratitude across a range of relationship types, and even in the theories and methods brought to bear on a given research question. 

    In 200 words or less, please describe how your proposed project will help advance diversity in the science of gratitude.

  4. Budget: The purpose of this grant is to enable dedicated research time for one scholar to make groundbreaking advances to the science of gratitude. As such, we expect funds to be used primarily for summer salary or to cover a course release during the academic year. Beyond those uses, funds may be used for supplies and services to conduct biological assays on stored specimens; for software to conduct behavioral coding on existing video records; for registration fees or costs associated with statistical methods workshops or academic conferences; and, where necessary, to cover costs for the scholar to travel to live/work on site for research activities or to travel to workshops or academic conferences. Given the existing data on GGDv, use of funds for participant payment will rarely be justified, but exceptions may be made, such as a planned conceptual replication of a key idea that can't be replicated in another existing dataset.

    You may request up to $30,000 USD in direct costs. You may also request a maximum of 5% for your university's indirect/F&A costs, beyond the direct costs mentioned above. We encourage universities to waive indirect costs if possible.

    Please use the budget template spreadsheet to list the items and associated costs for which you would like to use the requested funds.

  5. Budget justification: Describe how each of the requested budget items will support the proposed research project.
  6. Curriculum Vitae: Please submit your curriculum vitae, saved as a PDF file with your full name and “CV” in the file name (e.g., Alex Garcia CV).
  7. Letter(s) of collaboration. For any dataset from the Global Gratitude Dataverse to be included in the proposed project, please submit a brief letter acknowledging the collaboration from the data owner(s) with the following information (one paragraph will typically suffice; 1 page maximum): 
    a. Willingness to collaborate on the proposed project.
    b. Name of the dataset described on the Global Gratitude Dataverse (include doi).
    c. The status of ethics approval to share the data with you.
    d. Whether the data owner has reviewed the project proposal and believes it to be feasible, given the dataset.
    e. Whether authorship has been discussed. (The proposed project may be at a stage where it is premature to discuss authorship, which is an acceptable answer.)

    Note: You should request this letter once the person agrees to be a collaborator, and you will be responsible for uploading their letter when you submit your application. One letter should be submitted for each dataset included in the proposal. If you have multiple letters of collaboration from owners of datasets to be used in the proposed work, these letters should be merged into one pdf document for upload within the online submission survey.
Submission Checklist
___ Research proposal*
___ Demonstration of readiness/feasibility*
___ Contribution to diversity*

___ Budget**
___ Budget justification*
___ Your CV
___ Letter(s) of collaboration from dataset owner(s)

*Your research proposal, demonstration of readiness/feasibility, contribution to diversity, and budget justification should be uploaded together as one PDF using the provided template. 
**Your budget should be uploaded separately in CSV format using the provided template. 



Within our focus on advancing understanding of gratitude, priority will be given to scientific rigor as well as theoretical and/or methodological innovation. Additional consideration will be given to the feasibility of the proposed research for contributing to a high-quality publication and to advancing diversity in the field.
We welcome all applications and want to encourage individuals whose primary area of research is not gratitude, affective science, wellbeing, or interpersonal relationships to submit proposals. We also especially want to encourage applications from scholars whose backgrounds enhance the diversity of representation in the field across race, ethnicity, country of residence, gender, age, socio-economic status, religion, sexual orientation, identity, and experience.
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